HTML and CSS - #1 - Scriblin and Scriptin

How to teach myself some HTML scripting...
I mainly decided to learn HTMl as a sort of prologue for programming and web-design. And I was planning to start it without being rushed, which is how I am. But since I care about the design of a web-site a lot, especially if it's my website and I couldn't stand the current scheme of my blogger template, I decided to rush things and push myself to learn it.

OK, So I'll finish the's courses.... Then I'll try to read the Blogger template again. "Sounds like a plan!", Jon said to himself like a madman.

So, what to write here...
I can't reinvent the language, and make it up myself! It's a language! It needs practice. So, I'll use my knowledge to practice anything I could think up until I find a functions' limits... That's one thing to do I guess.
I think writing my question on the "Markup Language" as I come across them and I will try to remember the Tags... That's the plan for now.
Oh! I can design a page on paper, and try to make my dream web-site by what I've learned each time...
Here we go!

Understading Blogger themes - #1 - The freakish code

Quite honestly, Looking at my blog's current previous face [Simple] makes made me puke. [By the time I was writing this, I found an old theme that was fav of mine, and tweeked it, Still not good enough...]
And I have some ideas as to how to make a better theme, involving Flash, images, hacks and ... .
So, continuing the "Do it Yourself" and "Be curious" approach of this blog, I decided to read my blog's template code and attempt to make heads or tails of it and make it awesome and grouunnnd breaakinggg!

So, here link it is! [That's my current ugly disgusting theme I have, thought it's the new revolutionary one? Got ya! No?]
I recommend opening the file in Notepad++

So, Line 1 says: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>

OK, so far so good. I understand what the attributes are saying, but what's the <? ?> tag does? *A Google search later*
OK, So, The website is apparently the place to learn everything webdesign related.
Hmmm... Still can't find what the <? ?> tag means...

OK, Let's see where searching "understanding blogger templates" goes.
*searches it* Hmm, interesting stuff!
I'm gonna see what this one and this one says.

Hmm, So all the CSS goes in the head and all the widgets go into the body...
What a freaky mixed up code...
What if I want a widget to dissapear in a specific page?...

Hmm, The code is fairly nice to read and well documented... Thought I can't do anything with it until I learn HTML and CSS...

OK, On to a new category then!

Drawing - #2 - Attempting to visualise a human skull

So, Getting back to were we left.
I decided to draw each part of the skull in 3D separatly and fuse them later.

Instead of trying to do the skull as a sphere, I decided to trip down the sphere into a simpler geometry. Like this, can someone tell me what's it called in English?

Then, I tried to imagine that in 3D. After spending some time. Working on this;

Figured I was imagined it wrong, So I drew it like this and then Ireimiagined the chin and skull + Simpifying it;

Now, I just have to work on adding the chin in 3D; Meanwhile, have some fun sketches I drew around the paper!

Drawing - #1 - Attempting to visualise a human skull

I'm told in order to become a good 2D artist, one has to be able to visualise and break down objects in his mind in 3D. Like the following example from Preston Blair's cartoon Animation:
So I started by breaking a head apart in my imagination to a cone like thing for the chin and a Sphere for the back part of the head:

I figured the chin didn't look nice, so in order to see what was wrong with it, I drew a side-view of the same head;

Which helped me understand what was my perception of the broken skull. And now that I knew what it was on paper, I could fix it:

Not knowing where to begin to 3D-fy it, I just extruded the surface in my imagination, Google SketchUp style;

I tried to cut the edges little by little... I tried extruding a part of the back surface and joining it with the rest of the "model"...

That thing is (for me) very hard to imagine from different angles as a beginner, So I decided to take basic parts of the skull I imagined in 2D from sideways, imagine those parts in 3D and then try to fuse them. Starting with the sphere part.
That'd probably work better. We'll see if it will or not!